Essay writing plan
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How to Write a Dissertation Proposal
The most effective method to Write a Dissertation Proposal The most effective method to Write a Dissertation Proposal A few rules are given to empower a person to compose a superb exposition proposition. Here they are for your consideration. They ought to be all around point by point with respect to the examination subject. Flow research demonstrates that to have the option to compose a decent paper proposition, understudies must be well acquainted with the current subject. This implies they have to increase a ton of data on the topic by perusing a few materials and books on the point, know current discoveries on the subject and have the option to get to different artistic sources. They ought to have the option to go outside the territory of study. This principally implies they will have the option to explore from related themes and subsequently, the examination work introduced will be one of a kind, along these lines exceeding past exploration on the topic. The issue of going outside the given zone of study is a preferred position in that it is a decent wellspring of new thoughts for a given region of study. They must be mindful. The issue of consideration is an incredible asset, particularly, in the pragmatic utilization of information picked up. Moreover, it encourages people to know the different techniques, just as the methodology, utilized in a given examination. This at that point turns into an incredible wellspring of data for the expansive subject of study. They should realize how to refer to papers. For example, a person who knows the rundown of writers who composed a specific article would give an extraordinary referenced thesis proposition paper. What's more, having a decent information in the region of text references would result to an incredible paper proposition. They ought to be innovative. At the point when a specialist can allude to explore papers that were composed already and thought of new thoughts, the result report is the fate of more noteworthy incentive in contrast with prior archives. The following is the recommended design that ought to be utilized in the composition of a paper proposition: An away from of the exploration question nearby. Legitimizing the Research Project. Composing a writing survey. Gathering calculated and hypothetical exploration work. Expressing the exploration technique. Giving a nitty gritty exploration plan that demonstrates how the different examination stages will be completed. Financial plan and Time factor. References along with informative supplements. Do consistently recollect that, in the event that you neglect to form an exposition proposition all alone and the cutoff time is expected in an exceptionally brief timeframe, you can generally contact the custom composing organization for help. Capable essayists will save you on the off chance that you are out of luck and you will get a painstakingly created paper inside the time you had shown to them. Do you despite everything need exposition proposition help on the web? You can recruit our PhD scholars who will compose a custom proposition for your exposition. Attempt our composing administration now!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The thunder and lightening crashed over my head and made me very afraid
They said it could never rain again. I was encircled by individuals however I had never felt so forlorn. As I sat looking from my window, I started to see heaps of cheerful families passing by out and about, all in their folks' vehicles. As I sit alone, contemplating my past, I started to feel so hopeless and discouraged. I guess you are pondering who I am and what disaster could have carried me to this spot. Indeed, I will disclose to you the long story. The thunder and helping smashed over my head and made me apprehensive. I was not alone. My instructor continued looking upwards with a concerned articulation. That is was the point at which the head instructor burst into the room and requested everybody to follow her. This was not ordinary. It must be that everyone was in genuine peril. I in a split second idea of my folks at home on their ranch, had anybody cautioned them that a storm was not far off? The clamor outside was stunning. From our situation on the rooftop, we could see everything. I viewed with sickening dread as a mud divider fallen onto the street, catching families in their vehicles. I saw rushed guardians burrowing at the mud, attempting to spare their youngsters who were as yet caught. I needed to proceed to spare my folks as well yet I was unable to move. After two hours, the street was a stream. Trees and mud slammed through the town, obliterating houses and families. Step by step, the tempest reached a conclusion. We were in the long run permitted off the rooftop and I felt so happy, presently I could return and discover what had befallen my folks. I was frightened to such an extent that they had been at serious risk, I simply had to know whether they were sheltered. At the point when I showed up home, I saw my home. It was totally devastated. I ran towards it, shouting, requiring my mum and father. Abruptly, I saw a glimmer of gold. It must be a certain something, my mom's ring. It was as yet joined to her still, dormant, bloodless hand. I was numb. Remaining there, I felt abnormally quiet however that feeling didn't keep going exceptionally long. Seconds passed and I started pondering what might befall me now. Where will I go? I have no other family, nobody to take me in. I felt so segregated. That is the manner by which I finished in an encourage home. Everything I can do is to sit and trust that sometime in the future, somebody will come to get me. Maybe today will be that day. I got up feeling light in my heart and extremely cheerful that today would be that day. I heard that the paper correspondent was going to come and compose an article about the encourage home where I was living. Out of nowhere, there was a thump on the entryway. I opened it and there stood the columnist. She was a youthful wonderful woman with glossy, dark long hair and a smooth grin. I was extremely shocked †I had never observed such a lovely woman. She started to talk with me since I had been at the encourage home for the longest out of the various kids. She was dazzled with my interesting sonnets; she even made a guarantee that she would ensure they were distributed very soon. She snapped my picture so she could join it to the sonnet. A grouchy elderly person was working in the medical clinic grounds. He comes to down to a piece of paper which has blown over the nursery and arrived at his feet. He nearly discards the article when he out of nowhere chooses to investigate. He started to look all the more carefully at the photo and that is the point at which he has a glimmer of a picture from quite a while ago. Out of nowhere his memory returns. It is hard to adapt to the feelings he feels after so long. Dropping his instruments, he walks not far off escaping from the medical clinic. What has he recollected? Something is driving him he seems, by all accounts, to be searching for something. The sky is dim and over-cast. I consider my future. Will I generally be separated from everyone else and deserted. What's the point in living in solitude with no family to adore me? Ordinary I wanted that I had kicked the bucket with my mum and father and this is the reason I settled on the choice to take an overdose. There was no reason for living any more. Nobody would even no that I had gone. I felt myself floating into obviousness when out of the blue there was a shadow in the entryway. From the start I had incredible trouble concentrating my eyes on the figure before me. Gradually as my eyes saw the subtleties I had the option to recognize a man's casing. In the interim, I understood that it was my dad. As my sight darken, I see him stumble into the room towards me. He had tears in his eyes and streaming down his cheeks. He laid his head against mine and disclosed to me he cherished me such a great amount of yet as I took my final gasp I felt so much lament. I could have had a cheerful life again with my family to cherish me and to be adored yet since will never occur.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Going to Office Hours
Going to Office Hours A piece of advice that youll hear hundreds of times as a student at Illinois is this: Go to office hours. What are office hours, you ask? Every professor has open availability on at least one day every week for students taking their courses to meet them in their office for extra help. Conversations during office hours can include the course subject matter, research opportunities, or general questions about your area of study. Most students never take advantage of the opportunity to get to know their professors, and its truly a shame. So, future Illini, let me tell you about the benefits of going to these special office hours. Your professors are cool: College professors are not people you should be afraid of! Often times, they were very successful in the industry or career that youre interested in. They may have worked for many years and gotten some great experiences under their belt. You should go and talk to them and get some words of wisdom on how to succeed in their industry like they did. Theyll find it flattering that you care about their background and not just whats on the test. Source: Course content can be simplified and explained with clarity: Once in a while, some class content can seem confusing. You dont want to get left behind in class because classes move quicker in college than they do in high school. However, you shouldnt feel lost in college by any means! This is why office hours exist. Go in and talk to your professor about what youre confused about, and they will be so happy that you came in. Professors do not want their students to fail. Going in will show your professor that you care about the class, and they will clarify what youre confused about! Source: Professors will become your biggest supporters: Be sure to form strong relationships with all of your professors. There will be future job applications that will ask for letters of recommendations. The professor that helped you succeed in class because you went to their office hours will be happy to write your recommendation letter to get you that dream job. Source: In short, the lesson is this: Go to office hours and learn all you can from Illinois professors. Theyre here for you! Daniel Class of 2018 I’m an Advertising major in the College of Media. I’m from a northwest suburb of Chicago called Buffalo Grove. I chose Illinois because it was the first university in the entire world to offer an Advertising major, which is pretty cool!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wilfred Owen War Poems Essay - 1232 Words
Explain how particular features of at least two of Wilfred Owens poems set for study interact to affect your response to them. Wilfred Owens war poems central features include the wastage involved with war, horrors of war and the physical effects of war. These features are seen in the poems Dulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem for Doomed Youth here Owen engages with the reader appealing to the readers empathy that is felt towards the soldier. These poems interact to explore the experiences of the soldiers on the battlefields including the realities of using gas as a weapon in war and help to highlight the incorrect glorification of war. This continuous interaction invites the reader to connect with the poems to develop a more thorough†¦show more content†¦The use of repetitant capitalisation of the first GAS and the use of exclamation marks creates this mood. The next line An ecstasy of fumbling adds to the current poem atmosphere with everyone fumbling to have the masks on before being affected by gas. An anti-climax of helmets being fitted just in time misleads the reader into thinking that the helmets all were put on successfully but in the following plosive conjunction but the reader now understands this is not the case. Again in the last line Owen requests for the attention of the reader with the personal pronoun and simile As under a green sea, I saw him drowning an image of the fog of green air in which the soldiers disappear in is generated in the mind of the reader. The aftermath o the gas attacks is addressed in the last stanza. The reader is now apart of the poem by the use of the possessive pronoun you too that imposes the reader to empathise with the injured victim. The victim is then described by the gruesome alliteration and assonance of watch the white eyes writhing in his face that together enhance the vivid sight. The continuing imagery of gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs uses onomatopoeia to lead the reader to believe that war is incorrectly glorified. The last lines My friend, you would not tell with such a high zest/ To children ardent for some desperate glory,/The old Lie: Dulce et decorum estShow MoreRelated Write an essay about how Owens poetry describes the plight of the732 Words  | 3 PagesWrite an essay about how Owens poetry describes the plight of the soldiers. In many of Wilfred Owens poems, he describes the suffering and the agony of the common soldier during war, not only on the battlefront, but he also describes the after-effects of war and its cruelty. Owens poetry is inclined towards and elegiac nature with the function to arouse grief and to stimulate remembrance. Owen is usually best when the emotion of grief predominates over disgust in his poems and when tributeRead MoreA Comparison between Shakespeares Agincourt Speech and Wilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est1347 Words  | 6 PagesAgincourt Speech and Wilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est This essay will scrutinize Shakespeares Agincourt Speech and Wilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est. Initially the essay will analyse elements of the poems context as well as the origin of the actual passage and how it is created by the influence on each writers own experience. Additionally, the analysis will similarly focus on more intimate elements of each poem such as the attitude towards war at the time thatRead MoreCompare the Different Views of War in the Poems ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ by Wilfred Owen and ‘the Man He Killed’ by Thomas Hardy976 Words  | 4 Pagesthis essay I will be comparing the two poems, ‘The Man He Killed’ by Thomas Hardy and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ by Wilfred Owen. ‘The Man He Killed’ is about a man who was in the war and is thinking about his memories in the war. The main part of his experience in the war that he is reminiscing is the killing that he committed and the majority of the poem is focused on that. Thomas Hardy did not go to war himself but it could be thought that he got the idea from a friends experience in the war. TheRead MoreWilfred Owen1266 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Wilfred Owen’s attitude towards WW1 and how is this shown through his poetry? Wilfred Owen was a soldier during world war one. Many of his poems were published posthumously, and now well renowned. His poems were also heavily influenced by his good friend and fellow soldier Siegfried Sassoon. Wilfred Owen was tragically killed one week before the end of the war. During the war Wilfred Owen had strong feelings towards the use of propaganda and war in general, this was due to the horrors heRead MoreIs Vitai Lampada Similar to Dulce Et Decorum Est1634 Words  | 7 PagesIn the essay I am going to compare and contrast the way in which different attitudes to war are presented in the poems ‘Dulce et Decorum est’. And ‘Vitai Lampada’. Both poem are a bout war but they are wrote in completely different ways. Firstly, Wilfred Owen wrote a poem named Dulce et Decorum. Wilfred Owen was born in 1893 in Owestry, Shropshire and he died in 1918. Dulce et Decorum was written in 1917. Wilfred Owen enlisted for the war in 1915 a nd trained in England untilRead MoreEssay on Comparing The Soldier and Dulce et Decorum Est644 Words  | 3 PagesDulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen were both written during world war one. War and death are the themes of both poems but they are written from different perspectives. Brooke seems to base his poem on myth because overall he says that it is good to die for your country while fighting at war is terrible and that it is every soldier for himself and not for your country. There are many reasons why Brooke and Owen have different attitudes to war. For example Brook wroteRead MoreWilfred Owens War Poetry1219 Words  | 5 Pagesduring the First World War. However, this reality was long kept from the knowledge of the civilians at home, who continued to write about the noble pursuit of heroic ideals in old patriotic slogans (Anthology 2012: 2017). Those poets who were involved on the front soon realized the full horror of war, which is reflected in their poetic techniques, diction, and imaginations. Campbell (1999: 204) refers to their poetry as trench lyric, which not only calls attention to the poems’ most common settingRead MoreCritical Analysis of Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy1660 Words  | 7 PagesCritical Analysis of Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy I. Introduction: 1. Introducing what is going to be discussed in the paper (analysis of Arms and the Boy , its relation to one of Owens poem). 2. Thesis Statement : Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy can be discussed to represent the horror of war. II. Body: 1. Owen was a soldier and a modern poet who was known as anti-war poet. A. A summary of Owens poetry in general . B. His representation of the horror of war in his poems. 2. Arms and theRead MoreWho s For The Game?1531 Words  | 7 PagesWithin this essay, I will be comparing two very different poems; the propaganda and pro-establishment poem ‘Who’s for the game? written in 1916 by Jessie Pope which attempted to recruit men to the army by creating an unrealistic, glorified image of war and Dulce et decorum est written by Wilfred Owen in October 1917 which provides a horrific yet realistic insight into life as a solider. Within Who s for the game? , Pope uses various poetic devices to create a jovial, ebullient imageRead MoreWilfred Owen1727 Words  | 7 PagesWilfred Owen Essay Theme: The way weaponry has been portrayed. Throughout literature poets have used various literary devices in order to convey their message to the audience. Wilfred Owen has cleverly personified weaponry in the context of war and has woven it in his poems. This in turn accentuates the message he is trying to convey-- the paradox of War. The use of this tool is most prominent in three of his poems, The Last Laugh, Arms and The Boy and Anthem for Doomed
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Mr. Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2623 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction Nursing practitioners with effective reasoning skills always have a positive impact on the patient’s outcome. Conversely, nurses with poor clinical reasoning skills have a high potential of failing to detect the impending patient deterioration either from drug-body interactions or normal â€Å"failure to rescue.†These issues have resulted in increased number of escalating healthcare complaints in the ever expanding population of seniors (Levett-Jones Bourgeois, 2014). According to Alfaro-LeFevre (2009), there are three primary reasons for the adverse patient outcomes experienced in almost all health care provider institutions. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mr. Jones Clinical Reasoning Cycle" essay for you Create order These reasons are: the failure to properly diagnose, the failure to institute appropriate medication and treatment and application of inappropriate management strategies of the presented complications (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2009). All these factors are directly related to the poor clinical reasoning skills. For that reason, Rubenfeld Scheffer (2006) suggests that education system must promote the recognition and management of deteriorating patients. Furthermore, nursing practitioners must be in a position to utilize different communication channels, a collaboration of inter-professional teams and escalation systems in order to achieve accurate and quality service delivery to patients (Rubenfeld Scheffer, 2006). One way of attaining this is by implementing the clinical Reasoning cycle (Levett-Jones Bourgeois, 2014). While putting this information in mind, this paper will utilize the Clinical Reasoning Cycle in reviewing and planning care for a patient named Mr. Jones.    Consider the Patient According to Levett-Jones et al. (2014), considering the patient is the stage of the Clinical reasoning cycle. In this stage, the nurse encounters the individual who is the recipient of the care and starts to gain an initial impression (Levett-Jones et al., 2014). According to Tanner (2006), this may happen as a result of hearing a report [handover] or by a notice when the patient is first observed (Tanner, 2006). Therefore, while conducting the first impression on Mr. Jones, it is critical noting that prior preconceptions and assumptions may have influenced some of the information in this stage. Furthermore, at this stage, the patient condition is viewed against the background of their historicity and within the institutions of care ability. Now, Mr. Jones 86 years of age was bought to the hospital after he was found wandering up and down his streets by a close neighbor. Furthermore, his limping and has a favoring in his left side. Blood strains are evident in his socks and paints. A skin tear is also visible in his left shin. Following this, he has been placed on bed rest for later assessment using X-ray to ascertain whether he has any fractures because he thinks that he fell over, but he is not certain about that. In relation to this, the patient complained of pain of pain originating from his left hip spreading down to the leg where he has a laceration following the fall.    Collect Cues and Information This stage involves collecting relevant information regarding Mr. Jones. Furthermore, it will involve reviewing patient’s information that is available in his documented history, nursing notes, clinical documentations and handover reports. From the reports, Mr. Jones is under medications such as Irbesartan 150mg PO daily. According to (2017), Irbesartan is mostly used in the treatment of high blood pressure (Ace Inhibitors) (hypertension). With this medication, it is clear that Mr. Jones has a history of hypertension. Additionally, he came in with Metformin 1000mg PO Daily. This drug is used in improving blood sugars and mostly in individuals having type 2 diabetes. For that reason, there are increased chances that Mr. Jones has type 2 diabetes. Also, he had Salbutamol metered dose inhaler 1-2 puffs every 4-6 hours and which is mostly used in preventing and treating bronchospasm in patients with bronchitis, lung related diseases, emphysema, and asthma. Based on the presence of these drugs more scrutiny is needed to define whether he actually suffers from any of that disease. Additionally, Mr. Jones had Symbicort Turbuhaler 160/4.5mcg 2 inhalations BD, a drug that is mostly used in preventing bronchospasm in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Therefore, while combining the presence of Symbicort Turbuhaler 160/4.5mcg 2 inhalations BD and Salbutamol metered dose inhaler 1-2 puffs every 4-6 hours there is higher likelihood that Mr. Jones has a respiratory related disease. Finally, he complained hip and leg pain and which gives the reason why there are Paracetamols in his drug list. Paracetamols are mostly used as pain and fever relievers; therefore, there are increased chances that Mr. Jones may be feeling some pain on different body parts. Apart from this data, new information gathered from observations of Mr. Jones shows that: He 177 cm tall and has a weight of 125 kgs translating to a BMI of 39.9, Blood Pressure 165/95 mmHg, T 37.9C, P 105 bpm and R 24 breathes per minute. Additionally, Mr. Jones has a Pain score of 7/10, location located at left hip and leg. Other than these, he has three skin tear, a Waterlow score of 16, High fall score risks of 17 and GCS 14 having normal power in the right leg, mild weaknesses in the left leg. Finally, his pupils are equal and reacting in a sluggish manner. However, he has not opened his bowels for the last two days (BNO x Day 2). According to Alfaro-LeFevre (2017), it is important for the nursing practitioner in a change to recall some knowledge from Law, therapeutic, cultural context, physiology, and pathology in relation to the patient (Mr. Jones case). First, Mr. Jones wife died two months ago. This may be related to depression and stress resulting in lack of the ability to eat hence lowered bowel movements. Blood Pressure and hypertension are linked to the fluid status in the patient’s body (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2017). Additionally, Mr. Jones lives in a single Story House and which has two steps at the entrance. Therefore, due to the pain in his hip and leg, it may be related to the event where he was found wandering up and down his street by the neighbor. In the ward where Mr. Jones is hosted before an X-ray is conducted, there are standing orders that must be followed by the patients and the relatives or any individual connected to the patient. Before anything is done on the patient’s body, his children must visit the hospital, listen to the consent files and accept whether they agree on the procedures that the nurses and doctors aim to use on their father. Additionally, the nurse must inform the patient on all the possible medical procedures that will be taken to ascertain the real cause of the challenges and problems he is facing. These standing laws are to be observed as they will save the hospital from any possible law suits originating from human rights or family members.   Process Information According to Levett-Jones et al. (2014), all the cues and patient data collected in the above phase are carefully analyzed. Any aberration from the normal is identified and highlighted. Furthermore, cues patterns and clustered are recognized, inferences created and hypotheses generated (Levett-Jones et al., 2014). Simply, the patient’s situation is compared with previous clinical presentations thereby giving the nursing practitioner an opportunity to anticipate possible outcomes with regard to the available course of action. According to Alfaro-Le Fevre (2009), thinking ahead or rather predicting outcomes helps in knowing possible results of understanding certain procedures. Analyze the cues/Data to come to a stable understanding of Mr. Jones Signs and Symptoms. [Comparing the normal vs. Abnormal] Interpretation Normal blood pressure should not go over 120/80 and 140/90. Therefore, it is clear that Mr. Jones has high blood pressure. Furthermore, his skin tear is placed under category three where the skin flap is completely absent. Therefore, while following this information, the blood stains on his leg and pants may have originated from this skin tear. Also, Mr. Jones score 16 in Waterlow and which places him under high risk of developing pressure sores. With a fall risk score of 17, it means that Mr. Jones is susceptible to falls and therefore there is need to check the x-rays for any potential fractures. Mr. Jones has a GCS 14 with normal power in his right leg and mild weakness in the left. His pupils are equal however they are reacting sluggishly. A score of 14 implies that he is a having a mild dysfunction. This implies that his conscious state as a person has mild dysfunction. Mr. Jones is 177 cm tall and Weighs 12kgs. This means that his BMI is actually 39.9. According to World Health Organization, individuals with a BMI of 30 and over are classified as observed obese. In most cases, senior individuals and who are obese and hypertensive have a higher chance of having diabetes, eye problems and hear problems. Therefore, Mr. Jones BMI index opens a clearer path to securitizing some of the co-morbidities that he is currently suffering from. While still connecting Mr. Jones age of 86 with his BP 165/95 mmHg. Additionally, the patient had, T 37.9C, P 105 bpm, R 24 breathes per minute. Because the normal blood pressure is less than or equal to 120/80 mm Hg, then Mr. Jones is above the normal with 165/95 hence labeling him as hypertension. While looking at the textbook, the normal temperature is between 36 to 38, Mr. Jones’s temperature stands at 37.9 and which labeled as high temperature. On the other hand, the Pulse for adults should stand at an average of 70 (60-100). Mr. Jones pulse rate stands at 105. This implies that his pulse is way before normal. Finally, from the textbook, an older adult should have an average of 16 in his or her respiratory rate. While comparing his respiratory rate [24] and what is highlighted in the textbook, he may be suffering from tachypnea a condition where an individual suffers from faster respirations. Discriminate: This involves distinguishing relevant from the irrelevant information. Furthermore, it involves recognizing the inconsistences in the data in order to narrow down the information to levels where the gaps in the cues is collected. Based on Mr. Jones age, his temperature is up but, the nursing practitioner is not too worried about it. However, more concern is directed towards the Blood Pressure and the Pulse. For that reason, it’s good to check oxygen sats in the blood as well as the urine output. The text on the urine output will be to measure the glucose output. This information will help in correlating the GCS 14 his individual level of consciousness. Relating the Cues At this sublevel, the nursing practitioner is expected to discover new relations within the information and cues. It also helps in identifying the relationships that exist between the data. For instance, Mr. Jones high respiratory rate, pulse and blood pressure may result in the experienced GCS 14. Furthermore, with a category three of the wound, the blood paints have a higher possibility of originating from this site. Also, all the medications that Mr. Jones came with to the hospital prove the fact that the mentioned co-morbidities of Asthma, Type 2 diabetes, Hypertension and Arthritis are evident. Finally, the fact that Mr. Jones bowels have not opened for 2 last days may be linked to two main factors. First, Mr. Jones wife died a few months ago, therefore, he may be suffering from loneliness and stress and which have a possibility of halting his digestion ability. Additionally, based on his current age, his digestion may be weak to digest the take away and frozen meals that he has been depending on. For those reasons, the bowel movements problems are more likely to be associated with these factors. Infer This involves making deductions while forming opinions that follow the logic by interpreting the subjective and objective cues. For instance, in Mr. Jones case, his pulse rate and respiratory rate could be higher based on the tension and stress that he has been exposed to in his old age. Furthermore, the wound may be breeding from lack of attendance. Finally, his blood pressure could be low due to the amount of blood lost through the wound. The fact is that his pants were wet with blood. Match Situations According to World Health Organization, elderly individuals are at risk of suffering from hypertension, diabetes and difficulties in bowel movement. For that reason, some of the challenges facing Mr. Jones are connected. Furthermore, as individuals get older, their body muscles become weaker and which exposes them to risks of fractures or falls. For that reason, the pain that Mr. Jones is experiencing in his hip may be originating from either a fall he experienced a few days ago. Following the fact that he’s old, there are increased chances of losing memory and which means that he has a potential of forgetting what happened in his life. Predicting the Outcomes Based on the nature of Mr. Jones, if he is not taken for X-ray scans, there is higher chance that the case of the pain in his hip may deteriorate. Furthermore, based on his condition, if he is not placed on fluids, there are increased chances that he may get a shock. To understand the nature of his bowel movements, Mr. Jones will be given some vegetable dish. The roughage will be focused on checking whether his bowels will open after getting exposed to fluids. Finally, due to his increased pulse rate and respiratory rate, Mr. Jones will be given behavioral therapy that will work in coming down his stress and depression levels. This is because, with hypertension and higher pulse rate, there are increased chances of facing challenges in breathing or even stroke. Cleaning the wound helps in lowering the bacteria and which works in reducing the pain originating from the wound.    Evaluation According to Levett-Jones et al. (2014), this stage involves the nursing practitioner re-evaluating the patient’s cues and the current status so as to determine the most effective nursing interventions and whether the patient’s condition has been improved. First, to lower the patient’s pain originating from the wound, lowering the infection has proved to be an effective intervention for the patient. It has initiated the healing process as well as lowering the pain experienced by the patient. After administering narcotics and antibiotics to the patients, another measure of the pain level showed 3/10. This score confirms that the pain has completely reduced. Secondly, offering fluids and treating the wound has worked in lowering the pressure and the blood pressure the patient was initiated exposed. Addition, use of drugs to control hypertension, diabetes and pulse rates were very effective in stabilizing the condition of the patient helping help to adopt a smooth r oute to healing. The X-ray proved that the patient did not have any fracture; however, the hip bone was somehow dislocated. Therefore, the physicians placed the patient under therapy to return the bones to normal. All in all, the interventions adopted by the nursing practitioners with help from senior doctors, Mr. Jones health status has begun returning to normal    Reflect on Process and New Learning Levett-Jones et al. (2014) place this last stage as a reflection stage. It offers a suitable opportunity to review the practice. This step provides a chance to refine the processes, change or improve the interventions. In this case, Cognitive Behavior Therapy will be included to improve the healing process of Mr. Jones based on the fact that he is a senior and has a chance of suffering from mental disorders and eating disorders. Next time, while dealing with such a senior patient, the first step will be including their family members into play. This will ensure that the hospital and the senior’s family work in collaboration in dealing with potential challenges that have a possibility of affecting the patient in future. Finally, if I had the skills in Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior therapy, I would have provided therapy to allow the patient to change attitude and emotions following the death of his wife. This would help in improving the healing process of the senior pa tient.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Graduation Essay The Generation Jobless - 1449 Words
Graduates in Canada The Generation Jobless documentary has enlightened me on how bad the after graduation unemployment situation is in Canada. There are more cons than there are pros in the unemployment situation. Some of the positive parts of the graduation unemployment are, the places that help graduates finds jobs, that they graduated with a degree in something, and that they put themselves up higher on the education ladder. Just a few of the cons are underemployment, pointless debt because graduates can’t find jobs in their fields, server jobs are the only jobs graduates can find, and graduates are let go faster than others that have more experience. I feel that Canada needs to do something fast about this issue because they have one of the highest unemployment rates for graduates in OECD countries. There are very few pros in the unemployment situation in Canada. Graduating in Canada has a few good things about it. The jobs that the young graduates are highly educated in a certain field, and if they can find a job in that field then they are good. They are also overqualified for the positions that they can find, which makes their jobs easier on them. A website is available and it helps recent college students (and non-recent college students) find jobs. The website is called Talent Egg, and it has helped some students find jobs. Also there is a university in Canada that guarantees students jobs by the time that they graduate. If students do not find jobs within a yearShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Urbanization of Poverty2440 Words  | 10 Pagesboth racially and economically segregated are overwhelmingly negative. Children in racially and segregated schools tend to have worse educational outcomes than other students and are more likely to be suspended or expelled or to drop out before graduation. Failure to complete school contributes to a lifelong lack of human capital (Coleman, 1988) both for the individual and his or her community. The res ult is that urban neighborhoods that are both high-minority and high-poverty are populated byRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pageseventually pay off.†Scott is not alone. In the past 5 years, millions of U.S. workers have lost their jobs, and millions of new entrantsâ€â€many of them, like Scott, under 30 have had trouble finding suitable work. Sources: L. Uchitelle, â€Å"A New Generation, an Elusive American Dream†New York Times (July 7, 2010), pp. A1, A11; B. Levin, â€Å"Sending Out an S.O.S.: Who Will Give This a Handout/Job?†Dealbreaker (July 7, 2010), 2 What Is OrganizationalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesbecome the fastest growing segments in the workforce, and accommodating their needs has become a vital responsibility for managers. Furthermore, during this time, birth rates in the United States began to decline during the 1960s. The baby boom generation had already reached its apex in terms of employment opportunities, which meant that as hiring continued, the pool of baby boomers dwindled. Workforce Diversity 11 DID YOU KNOW? Chief Diversity Officer Deborah Dagit stands just four
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business and society free essay sample
Which of the political tactics discussed in this chapter are evident in this case? Information strategy which businesses seeking to provide government policymakers with information to influence their actions has been used, described as traditional political strategy (Lawrence Weber, 2014). Writing letter campaign, sending of e-mails, and making telephone calls, as well as black out can be considered as this strategy. The blacking out action was very effective in the end. Why were the political tactics used by the new media so effective in this case? Because on the censorship day of the U. S, which critics created, many of new media companies, like Wikipedia, blacking out their website to protest SOPA. This way many of their website users will get irritated since the websites are shut down, and they will start blaming the roots of the problem, which is SOPA. Would the effectiveness of these tactics vary, depending on the political issue at stake? Yes, it will vary; it depends on what political issue it is. We will write a custom essay sample on Business and society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For some bill, for example, if the government is trying to make a new law about preventing global warming, yet it does not matter even if some environmentally unfriendly company did strike, it is not going to change anything. What can traditional companies learn from the new form of political activity described in this case? They should learn that the times have changed. They are long past the point where selling stuffs that are downloadable online and trying to protect their own benefit which is old school, they already got left behind. So do not struggle so hard and try to adapt their company to the new era.
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