Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Customer Service Is A Quality Every Business Essay

Great customer service is a quality every business should hold high standards upon. Restaurants for example should have hosts waiting for guests to arrive at the door so they can be greeted and then seated in a timely manner. Also have servers bring silverware to the table, take correct orders and continue to take care of the diners until they leave. A business with excellent customer service will most likely get repeat business whereas poor customer service leads to losing their business. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the level of customer service given throughout the customer’s experience will affect their returning to the business. In 2015, one Friday afternoon after leaving a doctor’s appointment, my siblings and I decided to stop by IHOP on Manhattan Blvd. for a quick bite to eat. Upon entering the facility there was no one present at the host stand and we were standing there along with other customers waiting for over five minutes. Eventually one of the servers took notice of us and quickly came to seat us to a table. It was a busy afternoon and it seem that all the servers were overwhelmed, by the amount of customers they had to take care of, but nevertheless we were quickly greeted by an older lady named Samantha. She told us the special they were featuring for the day, but it was really hard to understand her since she was talking really fast. Samantha then took our drink orders and said she’ll be right back with them. As she said, our drinksShow MoreRelatedApplication Of A Business Owner1500 Words   |  6 PagesAs a business owner, one must carry a strong identity of your business with yo u all the time. Get quality Business Cards printed by a leading Melbourne printing company and introduce your brand. Take advantage of the customized cards and carry them with you all the time so that you do not miss even a single opportunity to impress the other. 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